• What it means to be a “warrior” in 2023

    To embody the warrior spirit in today’s society is to cultivate discipline, self-mastery, and physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. It means being willing to face challenges head on and to persevere through adversity. It means being courageous in the face of fear and standing up for what one believes in. At its core, the warrior…

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  • Influential Samurai art

    Influential Samurai art

    Samurai were the warrior class of feudal Japan and were known for their honor, bravery, and loyalty. They have been the subject of numerous works of art throughout history, and in this essay, I will discuss some of the most influential pieces of art related to samurai and why that art is still relevant today.…

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  • What made Vikings such good warriors?

    The Vikings were a seafaring people from the late eighth to early 11th century known for their naval raids, trades, and territorial conquests. Their expansion and conquests were a result of various factors, including their warrior spirit and self-mastery. One key factor that contributed to the Vikings’ success was their warrior culture. The Vikings believed…

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  • What are the all time most influential pieces of art related to ninjitsu?

    Ninjas, or shinobi, were covert operatives in feudal Japan who were trained in a variety of skills including espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination. Though they have a long and storied history, much of what is known about ninjas today comes from popular culture and media, including art, literature, film, and television. In this essay, I…

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  • The importance of stretching

    Stretching is an important aspect of any martial arts training program. It helps to improve flexibility, which is crucial for executing proper techniques and movements in martial arts. In addition to improving technique and performance, stretching also has numerous other benefits for the body, including improved range of motion, reduced muscle tension and soreness, and…

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  • 10 minute workout based on Ancient Ninjitsu

    Here is a 10-minute ancient ninjitsu-inspired workout that can be done at home, along with explanations of how each exercise relates to ninjitsu: Remember to always listen to your body and modify the exercises as needed to suit your fitness level. It’s important to maintain proper form and technique to avoid injury. Happy training!

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  • How can Martial Arts help with self mastery?

    Martial arts, the ancient and revered form of physical and mental training that originated in East Asia, has been practiced for centuries for its ability to promote discipline, self-control, and self-improvement. While it may be known primarily for its combat applications, martial arts can also be a powerful tool for self-mastery, helping individuals to develop…

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  • The Top 5 martial arts books of all time & why they’re significant

    “The Art of Peace” is a classic martial arts text written by Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido. This book is significant for several reasons. First and foremost, it is a testament to Ueshiba’s philosophy of non-violent conflict resolution. Throughout the book, Ueshiba emphasizes the importance of using martial arts not as a means of…

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  • Welcome to the Temple of the Warrior

    At “Temple of the Warrior,” we believe that martial arts is a powerful tool for personal development and self-improvement. Our mission is to provide guidance and inspiration to those who seek to explore the path of the martial artist, whether they are seasoned practitioners or just starting out on their journey.

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2023 akido Art book of five rings Books bruce lee december 2022 judo kyudo life martial arts Mental ninja ninjitsu peace Physical samurai self mastery Spiritual Training Viking warrior warrior spirit Workout work out zen

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